April 16, 2008


Guilt. Almost everyone experiences it. I can’t imagine there being a person who has not done something that they regret, making them feel guilt. Even sometimes the smallest things cause us to feel guilty. Has anyone ever seen the show, Moment of Truth, on channel five? Well, I have seen a few episodes, and it is a perfect example of people feeling guilt. Here’s what the show is about. Basically, a person is on a lie detector and they are asked pretty revealing questions about personal things, and each time they tell the truth, they get money. How guilty do you think these contestants are feeling on that show? Their personal secrets and lives are being broadcasted on one of the most popular channels in the country. There is absolutely a monstrous amount of guilt felt on that show when the contestants tell the difficult truth.
As for me, I have absolutely felt guilty before. I am not going to write a long story about how I made a mistake that caused me to feel guilty because I would probably go into too much detail and go on and on, so I’ll just keep it very broad. All that I will specifically say is that what I did was when I was younger, and I made a mistake. It wasn’t that big of a deal, but at the time, it caused me to feel guilty. Guilt can be a difficult thing to handle because it makes you feel uncomfortable since you realize that what you previously did was wrong. If you are going to feel guilty about something, it is usually directly after whatever you did. As soon as you realize that what you did was wrong, guilt takes over, just like it did for me. Making a mistake is a major cause of guilt. Have you ever done anything, big or small, and felt guilty about it later on? I can almost guarantee that you probably have because everyone does at some time.
As for our play, Lady Macbeth is a victim of guilt. In the beginning of the play she was just being power hungry and convinced her husband to kill anyone in his way of gaining the throne. Eventually, after Macbeth killed more people, Lady Macbeth realized that she was wrong. Over time, this guilt built up and ultimately led to her death (possible suicide). Now, look at Macbeth. He was a perfectly good man who made some terrible decisions causing him to change into a completely different person. It may take a while, but when Macbeth looks back at what he did, he will probably be overwhelmed with guilt. If you did something wrong in your past and have not fixed the mistake, it will eventually catch back up to you. If Macbeth doesn’t realize that what he did was wrong, who knows…someone may try to get revenge and kill him.

Okay, I officially give up trying to incorporate links into my post. It doesn't work on my laptop now :( they are:

how to deal with guilt and the difference between guilt and shame:

heres a link to try out the "moment of truth" online:


Marina C. said...

Amanda, your blog post is really great. As I told you about 5 minutes ago, some of your sentences are a little repetative. Don't forget, you also need to put pictures (plural - need at least 2) and you need links. Yay Amanda! :)
- Marina

J Saxon said...

Come see me when you can, so we can go over how to put the links in. Once you get the code, you'll be able to use it all the time.

Interesting post - you ar doing a strong job of connecting contemporary examples to the world of Macbeth.