April 9, 2008

Socratic Seminar

Today we had another Socratic Seminar, and it was definitely one of the better ones. Some questions that were asked include (but there are many others):

Is Paris Hilton empowering to young girls, or does she do them harm?
Who are role models for women and girls today?
Focusing on Lady Macbeth, does she help or harm the idea of feminism today?

Most people made many interesting points that were good discussion topics. For instance when asked if Paris Hilton is harmful to young girls, someone said that she is expressing negative power. A good quote that someone said was “any publicity is good publicity”. I completely agreed with this statement. Paris Hilton does not really care what type of publicity she receives, as long as she gets it. It does not matter to her if the publicity is negative or positive. The discussion on Paris Hilton became interesting because it brought out many different opinions. Someone mentioned that Terry Irwin is a good role model for girls, and now thinking back on the seminar, I can absolutely see what they mean. Terry has lost her husband in a completely unexpected way, she has two children to look after, and is still working hard and running a household. This goes to show how strong she is. She has learned to overcome a tragic event in her life. Overall, this seminar was probably one of the best we have had because it was on such a controversial topic.